Our Vision

Development, the unfolding of the human being, only seemingly happens through rules, struggle and punishment. In reality, it happens through developing consciousness. We are contributing to this unfolding by having realized this place, where the development of consciousness can take place both in the seminars and within the team. To us, it is a practical exercise in our everyday living - with ups and downs, which help us learn and develop more.

We see planet Earth on the threshold where we humans either learn to live in harmony and hence respect existence, or make the planet unsuitable for human life and destroy ourselves.

Not by talking but by taking action we can change the world. And this daily practicing can be a lot of fun.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Jonathan Livingston Seagull believes there has to be more to life than picking food. He feels that his individual meaning of life lies in the mastery of flight. His flock of seagulls, however, is convinced that the only meaning of life is the struggle for survival.

When Jonathan starts out to break through his flock's established thinking patterns, he finds himself exposed to hostility and, ultimately, exclusion from the flock.

But Jonathan Livingston Seagull trusts in himself and lives through pain, happiness and loneliness. Then on a new level, he meets new friends, teachers and partners, who are on their way as well.

This is how we perceive our hotel, as a meeting point for people who are willing to question out-dated behavior patterns. Here we have the opportunity to strengthen each other in order to be able to better meet the daily challenges with the inner and the outer sceptics.

Die aktuelle Jonathan-Vision als pdf